Structure and Charitable Objectives
Autism New Zealand is an incorporated society with charitable status. To promote the welfare and care of all autistic people and those who make up their support network including family/caregivers/whānau. To foster understanding and provide education and information about autism.
How Autism New Zealand works
Our membership numbers over 24,000 active members and is growing rapidly. We collaborate with numerous agencies, such as the Ministry of Education, Needs Assessment and Service Coordination Services (NASC), district health boards, schools, and private institutions to help individuals access appropriate services.
Autism New Zealand is governed by a board. At present this comprises five elected members, who hold office for three years, and two members who are appointed for one year and are then reappointed on a yearly basis. We also have a patron, who holds a figurehead role in the organisation and provides input when necessary. The board meets eight times a year and is purely focused on issues of governance.
For operational matters, Autism New Zealand’s National Office has a staff, with our branches and education arm delivering our services.
Autism New Zealand receives some funding through contracts from Government Departments for specific programmes, as well as relying heavily on donations from sources in the community. These sources are primarily Charitable Trusts and a range of community grants; however, we also fund many of our activities and programmes through the generosity of individuals. We are extremely grateful for this continued support.
The Objectives of Autism New Zealand are:
1. Assisting parents, guardians and other persons who have the care of autistic people to provide for their needs.
2. Establishing and maintaining community support services for autistic people and those who make up their support network.
3. Ensuring that as far as possible, appropriate support is available for every autistic person wanting such support.
4. Helping parents, employees of Autism New Zealand and others to further the development of, and to undertake the care of, autistic people.
5. Promoting integration of autistic people into a participative role in the community so as to enable them to be as independent as possible and to enjoy the rights of New Zealanders to live the life they want to live, including providing appropriate training education and other support that is necessary or desirable to enable autistic people to develop their abilities fully and deliver such services as are appropriate.