
Community Links

01. Adult Diagnosis

Autism NZ  autism diagnostic service
We only provide assessment for people living in the Wellington region.
Email: diagnosis@autismnz.org.nz
Phone: 021 190 6053

Dr Ava Ruth Baker – open for post-diagnosis therapy and advice. Closed for diagnostic assessment
Email: avaruth.baker@xtra.co.nz
Website: www.avaruthbaker.com

Estelle Macdonald (Not Taking New Clients)
Email: info@estelleclinpsych.co.nz
Phone: 027 935 4418

Dr Celia Falchi (Not currently taking new clients)
Email: admin@wellminded.co.nz
Website: www.wellminded.co.nz

Lynne Goodbrand – Kapiti Psychological Associates (Waitlist 5-6 months)
Address: 22 Raumati Road, Raumati Beach, Paraparaumu, 5032
Phone: (021) 02993427
Email: lgoodbrand@gmail.com or kapitipsychologicalassociates@gmail.com
Website: https://www.nzccp.co.nz/psychologist/248

Ray Powell (Registered Psychologist)
Address: 5 Trinidad Cres, Grenada Village, Wellington, 6037
Phone: (04) 478 7005 or (022) 413 6577
Email: ray@powellpsychology.nz
Website: www.powellpsychology.nz

New Zealand Telepsych Network (NZTN)
Email: help@telepsychnetwork.nz
Website: telepsychnetwork.nz
(Please note that DSS and NASC services currently do not accept telehealth diagnoses.)

Dr Marilyn Willis – Psychologist
Diagnostic assessments and post diagnosis services for adults and teens (18+) – special focus on the unique characteristics of the internalised/high masking presentation of autism commonly observed in women
Email: marilyn.willis@aspergers.consulting

02. Child & Youth Diagnosis

Capital and Coast District Health Board: Child Development Team Child Health Services
Based at the Puketiro Centre, Kenepuru Hospital, Porirua and Ewart Building, Newtown, Wellington.

Email: info@ccdhb.org.nz
Website: www.ccdhb.org.nz
Cut-off age of sixteen years. But for many older children, the CAMHS may be more appropriate.
Needs Advisor at Capital Support
Phone: (04) 230 6400 or (04) 385 5999

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
Locations and Intake Officer numbers:
Address: 21 Hania St, Mt Victoria, Wellington 6011.
Phone: (04) 801 2960
Email: tewharetipu.admin@ccdhb.org.nz
Address: Level 3, BNZ Tower, Hartham Place, Porirua
5th Floor, Pember House, Hagley St, Porirua.
Phone: (04) 237 2860 or (04) 381 1660
Address: Kapiti Health Centre, Warrimoo Street Paraparaumu.
Phone: (04) 801 2960 or (04) 903 0260
Email: kcmht@ccdhb.org.nz
Address: Level 2, 49-51 Lincoln Road, Masterton
Phone: (06) 946 9808

Hutt Valley District Health Board: Child Development Team Child Health Services
Phone: (04) 237 5222 or (04) 566 6999
Address: 638 High Street, Lower Hutt,
Website: www.huttvalleydb.org.nz

Infant, Child, Adolescent and Family Service (ICAFS) – Nikau Centre
CSS – (Child Specialty Service) ages 0 – 12 years and their families
Referral must be through GP or another health professional to the CSS Team Leader.
Address: Nikau Centre, Hutt Hospital, 622 High Street, Lower Hutt
Phone: (04) 570 9600

YSS – (Youth Specialty Services)
Ages 13 – 18 years inclusive. (18 yo living independently see the Adult Mental Health Service).
Referral can be by family or young person in question to the YSS Team Leader
Phone: (04) 570 9600

Autism NZ  autism diagnostic service
We only currently prioritise children under 5 years of age and teens. We only provide assessment for people living in the Wellington region.

Email: diagnosis@autismnz.org.nz
Phone: 021 190 6053

Dr Celia Falchi
– Currently unable to receive new referrals or clients for autism assessments
Email: admin@wellminded.co.nz
Website: www.wellminded.co.nz

Ray Powell 
Email: ray@powellpsychology.nz
Phone: (04) 478 7005 or 022 413 6577
Website: www.powellpsychology.nz

Dr Ava Ruth Baker – open for post-diagnosis therapy and advice. Closed for diagnostic assessment
Email: avaruth.baker@xtra.co.nz
Website: www.avaruthbaker.com

Lynne Goodbrand (Current waitlist 5-6 months)

Address: 22 Raumati Road, Raumati Beach, Paraparaumu, 5032
Email: kapitipsychologicalassociates@gmail.com or lgoodbrand@gmail.com
Phone: 021 0299 3427

Rachel Irwin
Email: rachel@rachelirwin.co.nz
Phone: 027 472 2960
Website: www.rachelirwin.co.nz

Maggie Dewar
Email: m.dewar@xtra.co.nz
Phone: 027 563 0182

Capital and Coast District Health Board: Child Development Team Child Health Services
Based at the Puketiro Centre, Kenepuru Hospital, Porirua and Ewart Building, Newtown, Wellington.
Email: info@ccdhb.org.nz
Website: www.ccdhb.org.nz
Cut-off age of sixteen years. But for many older children, the CAMHS may be more appropriate.
Needs Advisor at Capital Support
Phone: (04) 230 6400 or (04) 385 5999

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
Locations and Intake Officer numbers:
Address: 21 Hania St, Mt Victoria, Wellington 6011.
Phone: (04) 801 2960
Email: tewharetipu.admin@ccdhb.org.nz
Address: Level 3, BNZ Tower, Hartham Place, Porirua
5th Floor, Pember House, Hagley St, Porirua.
Phone: (04) 237 2860 or (04) 381 1660
Address: Kapiti Health Centre, Warrimoo Street Paraparaumu.
Phone: (04) 801 2960 or (04) 903 0260
Email: kcmht@ccdhb.org.nz
Address: Level 2, 49-51 Lincoln Road, Masterton
Phone: (06) 946 9808

Hutt Valley District Health Board: Child Development Team Child Health Services
Phone: (04) 5709993
Address: 638 High Street, Lower Hutt,
Website: www.huttvalleydhb.org.nz

YSS – (Youth Specialty Services)
Ages 13 – 18 years inclusive. (18 yo living independently see the Adult Mental Health Service).
Referral can be by family or young person in question to the YSS Team Leader
Phone: (04) 570 9600

Philippa McDowall (she/her)
Clinical Psychologist, PhD
Phone: 0204 109 8568
Email: philippa@weaverpsychology.co.nz
Website: www.weaverpsychology.co.nz

Jackie Tritt – CubbieHouse
Email: jackie@cubbiehouse.co.nz
Website: www.cubbiehouse.co.nz

03. Education

There are two special schools in the Wellington Region; Kimi Ora (www.kimiora.school.nz) and Mahinawa School. There are also learning support units. Contact Special Education regarding these.

Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS)
Learning Support

Lower Hutt:
Phone: (04) 463 8699
Email: manager.eligibility@education.govt.nz

Phone: (06) 370 5522
Email: kristina.perry@education.govt.nz
Kristina Perry (Learning Support Manager)

Conductive Education Wellington
Email: cewt@xtra.co.nz
Phone: (04) 577 3480

Address: Naenae Primary School Grounds, Waddington Dr, Naenae
Website: www.cewellington.org.nz

Te Amaru – Disability Services (Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington)
Email: disability@vuw.ac.nz
Phone: (04) 463 6070
Website: www.wgtn.ac.nz/disability

Disability Services (Massey University)
Email: disability@massey.ac.nz 
Phone: (04) 979 3192 (Elaine)

(04) 979 3193 (Susan)

Website: www.massey.ac.nz/student-life/services-and-support-for-students/disability-services/


New Directions
Is a one-year course located at the Porirua Campas of Whitire Polytechnic.
Maximum enrollment: 13 people, with 2 tutors
Phone: (04) 237 3103 ext 3756

Learning Connection
Low pressure, non-exam place to learn art skills. Accommodating to a wide range of people.
Address: 182 Eastern Hutt Road, Taita, Lower Hutt 5019
Phone: (04) 568 0320 or 0800 278 769
Email: info@tlc.ac.nz
Website: www.tlc.ac.nz

Te Kura ECE – Te Ara Kōhungahunga (State distance education provider):

Phone: 0800 65 99 88
Email: info@tekura.school.nz
Website: https://www.tekura.school.nz/

04. Social Groups

Autism Intervention Trust
Address: 79 Copeland Street, Epuni, Lower Hutt 5011
Phone: (04) 567 4082
Email: weit@xtra.co.nz
Website: www.autisminterventiontrust.org.nz

The Circus Hub
Circus Hub offers an inclusive environment that helps improve self-esteem, trust, problem-solving, concentration, coordination, and motor skills.
Address: 11 Hutchison Road, Wellington, New Zealand
Email: info@circus.org.nz
Website: Home – The Circus Hub
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecircushub

Website: www.ymcawellington.org.nz
Head Office
Address: 67 Pilmuir Street, Lower Hutt
Phone: (04) 568 3252
Upper Hutt
Address: Somme Road, Trentham, Upper Hutt
Phone: (04) 527 3380
Address: Level 3 Pember House, 18 Hagley Street, Porirua
Phone: (04) 233 1593
They occasionally have holiday programmes for kids with special needs but inquire with them regarding your child’s needs.

RDA (Riding for the Disabled)
Hutt Valley Group
Address: Country Lane, Silverstream
Phone: (04) 527 8360
Email: hvrda@xtra.co.nz
Website: www.huttvalleygrouprda.wordpress.com

RDA (Riding for the Disabled)
Wellington Group
Address: 610 Paekakariki Hill Road, Pauatahanui, Porirua 5381
Phone: (04) 237 5550
Website: www.wellingtonrda.org.nz

Mixed Ability Gymnastic Classes
Please contact Lynne Breed
Phone: (04) 387-1193

Vincent’s Art Workshop
Address: 148 Willis Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011
Phone: (04) 499 1030 or (027) 407 5706
Email: vincentsartworkshop@xtra.co.nz
Website: www.vincents.co.nz

Art Compass
Marcel Baaijens
Phone: (04) 384 8407

Phone: (04) 470 7892
Email: web@evaro.nz
Website: www.evaro.nz

The Halberg Trust – Activity Fund
Phone: 0800 425 2374
Website: www.halberg.co.nz

Healthy Lifestyles
Sport Wellington
Address: Level 1, 223 Thorndon Quay, Thorndon, Wellington
Phone: (04) 380 2070 ex 218
Email: info@sportwellington.org.nz
Website: www.sportwellington.org.nz

Spectrum Playgroup
A playgroup for autistic children, their siblings and their families.
Every Monday at Naenae church from 10am-12pm. Free Entry.
Phone: 021 118 7598
Email: spectrumplaygroup1@gmail.com

Hutt Autism Spectrum Minecraft Club
Minecraft sessions for children of all ages with ASD. Minecraft sessions runs at the Autism Resource Centre in Petone on the 1st Sunday of the month from 2.00pm to 4.00pm (players may arrive from 1.30pm onwards). Numbers are limited and pre-registration is essential. You need to bring your own laptop with Minecraft loaded. The sessions are free and adults are welcome to join our coffee group (gold coin koha for this).
Contact: Jo
Email: jo@clendon.org

ASD Minecraft Club – Tawa (THIS CLUB IS FULL AND THE WAITLIST IS CLOSED – Please consider joining your child to the Hutt Autism Minecraft Club)
Minecraft sessions for children of all ages with ASD. Minecraft sessions runs at Tawa Community Centre on the 2nd  Saturday of the month from 1.30pm to 4.00pm (players may arrive from 1.30pm onwards). The only fee is $3 to help cover the cost of the venue. You need to bring your own laptop with Minecraft loaded. You do need to book for Minecraft sessions. If you are interested in joining this club please email your contact details and the name and age of your child to suet@parent2parent.org.nz and she will pass your details along to the coordinator of the group who will contact you when there is a space available in the club. 

ASD Social/Games Group
Group for autistic adults to socialize and play various games for ages 18+. They meet twice a month:
The first Saturday of the month at the Autism Resource Centre- 20 Sydney St, Petone at 11.00am
The third Tuesday of the month in Johnsonville – Collective Community Hub – 1/33 Johnsonville Road, Johnsonville. 7.30pm – 9.00pm
Website: https://www.asdcommunitywlg.org.nz/

Pasifika Autism Support Group (PASG)
To provide support and information for Pasifika families and raise awareness and acceptance of autism in the Pasifika communities.
Contact: Trisha Lealiifano-Mariota
Phone: 022 4144 299
Email: pasgwellington@gmail.com

Whitford Brown Community Trust
Address: 21 Mana Ave, Titahi bay
Phone: (04) 236 8944
Email: whitfordbrown@xtra.co.nz
Website: www.facebook.com/Whitford-Brown-Community-Trust-561440023923686

Moera Community House
Address: 105a Randwick Crescent, Moera 
Phone: (022) 693 8445
Email: moerahousebookings@gmail.com
Website: www.facebook.com/Moera-Community-House-691182551213893

The Fantails – Upper Hutt
Phone: 029 777 8787
Email: hutt.network02@ccslt.org.nz
Website: www.facebook.com/The-Fantails-Upper-Hutt-364828064164130
Email: serenamary@gmail.com

Pablos Art Studio
Address: 118 Tory street, Te Aro
Phone: (04) 382 8885
Email: pablos.tutor@pablosart.org.nz
Website: www.pablosart.org.nz

A mental health community day service offering programmes in art and wellbeing. Based in Lower Hutt and Upper Hutt.
Website: www.mix.org.nz
Lower Hutt Address: 212 Knights Road, Lower Hutt
Phone: (04) 569 3162
Upper Hutt Address: Wesley Hall, Upper Hutt. Phone: (04) 528 7346

Mainly Music and Mainly Play
Phone: 0800 003 223
Website: www.mainlymusic.org.nz

Arts a Go Go!
Address: 651 Fergusson Drive, Upper Hutt
Contact: Rachel
Phone: 021 144 1641
Email: rachel@artsagogo.co.nz
Website: artsagogo.co.nz

Address: 3 Freyberg Road, Trentham
Contact: Katrina
Phone: 027 274 0653 or (04) 529 8015
Email: danzworxupperhutt@gmail.com
Website: www.danzworx.co.nz

NZ Larps
Email: wellington@nzlarps.org
Website: www.nzlarps.org/about/regions/2

05. Support Living & Accommodation

Work and Income NZ Allowances: 
For information on any benefit or allowance Work and Income New Zealand.
Phone: 0800 559 009
Website: www.workandincome.govt.nz
Health & Disability Coordinator, WINZ 
Phone: (04) 918 4685

Address: 185-187 Willis Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011
Phone: (04) 381 4956
Website: www.talklink.org.nz
They may be able to assist families with funding applications for communication equipment.

Get in touch with the NASC in your area: http://www.health.govt.nz/your…
Get in touch with community residential support services: http://www.health.govt.nz/your…
In the event that you are not eligible for these services, or they are not suitable for you, you could try CCS Disability Action: http://www.ccsdisabilityaction…

Keys Social Housing
Keys Social Housing provides independent living and practical support around managing a tenancy. Wellington, Whanganui, New Plymouth, Hamilton and Auckland.
Address: Level 1, Southmark House, 203 Willis Street, Wellington
Phone: (04) 385 8722
Email: support@communityhousing.org.nz
Website: www.communityhousing.org.nz

Spectrum Care
Spectrum Care offers respite services in the Wellington region, for children, young people, and adults.
Email: info@spectrumcare.org.nz
Website: www.spectrumcare.org.nz

Community Connections
Community Connections is a supported living service, though they do also have some residential options. You will need to be referred through the NASC.
Email: admin@ccslt.org.nz
Website: www.ccslt.org.nz
Kapiti (Main Office):
Address: 1/7 Hinemoa Street, Paraparaumu 5032
Phone: (04) 298 7703
Johnsonville Office:
Address; Level 1, 21-29 Broderick Road, Johnsonville
Phone: (04) 384 25 84
Lower Hutt Office:
Address: 31F Railway Ave, Alicetown, Lower Hutt
Phone: (04) 569 2903

Pathways Support Services
Address: 181 Thorndon Quay, Wellington 6242
Phone: (04) 473 9009
Email: wellington@pathways.co.nz
Website: www.pathways.co.nz

Kapiti Autism Support Group
Held the first Wednesday of every month
Email: apwoodside@gmail.com

MASH Trust
Phone: (04) 566 9477 or 0800 627 4878
Website: www.mashtrust.org.nz

IHC has an excellent library.
Phone: 0800 442 442 
E-mail: librarian@ihc.org.nz
Website: www.ihc.org.nz

Open Home Foundation
This foundation may be able to assist you in organising a foster family. It often has a 2-3 week wait list.
Phone: (04) 566 3990
Website: www.ohf.org.nz

Challenge 2000
This agency may be able to assist you in organising a foster family.
Address: 1 Wanaka Street, Johnsonville, Wellington 6037
Phone: (04) 477 6827 or (04) 477 0338
Email: info@challenge2000.org.nz
Website: www.challenge2000.org.nz

06. Support Organisations

Assistance with Nappies
Hutt Valley DHB – Paediatric Community Nursing
Phone: (04) 566 6999 Ext 2608

Selena Ransfield
Capital Coast DHB – Paediatric Community Nursing
Phone: (04) 385 5999 Ext 7347

Assistance with fencing
Ministry of Health ‘Enable Funding’ may be able to assist if this is an essential requirement. This need will be assessed by a Community Occupational Therapist.
Capital Coast Health
Phone: (04) 385 5999
Community Health
Phone: (04) 570 9672

Assistance at a kindergarten
Lower Hutt
Phone: (04) 463 8699
Email: support.lowerhutt@education.govt.nz
Phone: (04) 237 5808
Email: support.porirua@education.govt.nz

ISADD (Intervention Services for Autism and Developmental Delay)
NZ coordinator: Ann Cowan
Phone: (04) 478 2025
Website: www.isadd.co.nz

Wellington Early Intervention Trust
Please contact the Manager
Address: 79 Copeland Street, Epuni, Lower Hutt 5011
Phone: (04) 567 4082
Email: weit@xtra.co.nz
Website: www.weit.org.nz

National Office
Address: 57 Willis Street, Wellington 6011
Phone: (04) 463 2492 or (04) 472 2247 or 0800 442 442
E-mail: librarian@ihc.org.nz
Website: www.ihc.org.nz

Address: Suite 2, 99 Mana Esplanade, Paremata 5026
Phone: (04) 233 01 64
Email: info@tautoko.org.nz
Website: www.tautoko.org.nz

Single Parents -Birthright Wellington
Wellington & Porirua Social Worker
Address: 89B Thorndon Quay, Wellington 4500
Phone: (04) 499 0055 or 0800 457 146
Email: info@birthrightwellington.org.nz
Website: www.birthright.org.nz

MASH Trust
Phone: 0800 627 4878
Website: www.mashtrust.org.nz

NZ Care group
Address: 10 Ranui Terrace, Tawa, Wellington 5032
Phone: (04) 237 0487
Website: www.healthcarenz.co.nz

Victoria University of Wellington Te Rāngai Takiwātanga Autism Clinic
Email: autism-clinic@vuw.ac.nz
Phone: (022) 0106855
Website: https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/autism-clinic

SuperGrans – Lower Hutt
Address: Level 2, Russell Keown House, 38 Queens Drive, Lower Hutt 5010
Phone: (04) 566 9778
Email: chris.martin@supergran.org.nz
Website: www.supergransaotearoa.org.nz

Parent to Parent NZ Inc – Wellington Office
Phone: 04 569 9398
Email: wellington@parent2parent.org.nz
Website: www.parent2parent.org.nz
Coordinator: Sue Trueman.

The Cloud 9 Foundation
Phone: 04 232 4795
Email: admin@cloud9foundation.co.nz
Website: www.withyoueverystepoftheway.com

Facebook Groups
Autism in NZ – https://www.facebook.com/groups/22057177435/
Autism Action NZ – https://www.facebook.com/groups/539897906136075/?ref=groups
VIPinNZ – https://www.facebook.com/groups/639074169528061/?ref=groups

Community Mental Health
Regional Service by CCDHB, HVDHB and Wairarapa DHB
Intensive Clinical Service (up to 17 years)
Address: 113 Adelaide Road, Mount Cook, Wellington 6021
Phone: (04) 570 9600 or (04) 801 4830
Website: www.mhaids.health.nz

Lion Heart Education
Reduce stress and anxiety by playing games
(022) 044 9976 (Free 15-minute phone consultation available)
Email: info@lionhearteducation.com
Website: www.lionhearteducation.com

Short-term, cheap counselling options:
Salvation Army
Address: 4 Normanby Street, Newtown, Wellington
Phone: (04) 389 0594.
Website: www.salvationarmy.org.nz

Wesley Church and Counselling 
Address: 75 Taranaki Street, Wellington 6141 (behind Café’ Doria)
Phone: (04) 384 7695
Email: mtolo@wesleyca.org.nz

Personal Advocacy Trust
Phone: 0800 728 7878
>Email: advocacy@PASAT.org.nz
Website: www.patrust.net.nz

Strengthening Families
Will coordinate all the agencies you are involved with to work out how to best support your situation.
Website: www.strengtheningfamilies.govt.nz

Healthcare New Zealand – Explore Specialist Advice (behaviour support)
Phone: 0800 000 421
Email: info@healthcarenz.co.nz
Website: www.healthcarenz.co.nz

Upper Hutt Autism Group (UHAG) – Support Group for Autistic Adults, Children and their Carers
Phone: 021 195 3711
Email: uhautismgroup@gmail.com
Website: Upper Hutt Autism Group

Dietitian – Laurette Cummins
Website: https://www.foodsavvy.co.nz/staff-member/laurette-cummins/

07. Therapy

Emma Hodgson, Positive Pathways
Mentoring, PDA education, coaching and respite for Autistic and PDA children and whanau.
Phone: 021 195 1618
Email: emma@positivepathways.nz
Website: www.facebook.com/positivepathwayswellington

Independent Living – Johnsonville
Address: 30 Phillip Street, Johnsonville, Wellington
Phone: (04) 478 6482
Email: ot@independentliving.co.nz
Website: www.independentliving.co.nz

Dr Nicola Cann – The Family Sleep Consultant
For support with any sleep-related issues for your child or family
Website: https://thefamilysleepconsultant.com/
Email: Nicola@thefamilysleepconsultant.com

Amelie Gingras- New Zealand Registered Occupational Therapist
Over 8 years’ experience working as a paediatric OT
Phone: (027) 715 4389
Email: incrediblekidsnz@gmail.com

Rosemary Emery – Speech and Language Therapist
Phone: (04) 902 0021
Email: retro@paradise.net.nz

Muno Richards – Speech and Language Therapist
Address: Level 7, Quay Psychology, Fullbright House, 120 Featherston Street, Wellington Central
Phone: (021) 263 1389

Christian Wright – Speech and Language Therapist
Address: 3 Frankmoore Ave, Johnsonville, Wellington 6037
Phone: (04) 972 2559 or (021) 026 78113
Email: christian.wright@paradise.net.nz
Website: www.wellingtonslt.wordpress.com

Inclusive Communication LTD Speech and Language Therapist
Autism, social pragmatics, AAC
Address: Island Bay, Wellington
Phone: (022) 499 6737
Email: info@inclusive-communication.com
Website: www.inclusive-communication.co.nz

Jenni Lyons feeding, autism, communication, speech-language

Sensory Pathways Occupational Therapy
Jamie Schipper
Address: Lindale Village, 110 Main Road Paraparaumu, Kapiti Coast, Wellington
Email: sensorypathwaysot@gmail.com
Website: www.sensorypathwaysot.co

Sleep Insight – Specialist sleep support for autistic children and young people.
Telehealth appointments available.
Email: info@sleepinsight.co.nz
Website: Sleep Insight – Specialist sleep support for autistic children & young people

Ergo in a Suitcase OT
Phone: 022 458 4511
Email: ruut-OT@ergoinasuitcase.nz
Website: www.ergoinasuitcase.nz

A collective of independent medical professionals and therapists
Phone: 021 038 9981
Website: www.auroacollective.nz

Talk Link
Specialists in the area of Communications Assistive Technology / Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).
Address: Level 3, 187 Willis Street, Wellington
Phone: 0800 825 554 or (04) 381 4956
Email: wellington@talklink.org.nz
Website: www.talklink.org.nz

APM Tamariki
A team of highly experienced paediatric therapists providing families with options to access assessment and therapy services without the delays of the public system.
Phone: 0800 967 522
Website: www.apm-nz.co.nz

Drama Therapy
Phone: 021 0299 4049
Email: bas@dramatherapy.co.nz
Website: www.dramatherapy.co.nz

Tui Wellness Solutions
Confidence and empowerment coaching for young people
Phone: 021 188 6863
Email: tuiwellnesssolutions@gmail.com
Website: www.tuiwellness.com

Kaleidoscope Solutions
Mindfulness based mentoring, 1:1 or in groups
Phone: (04) 566 3135 or 021 0225 3235
Email: enquiries@kaleidoscopesolutions.co.nz
Website: www.kaleidoscopesolutions.co.nz

Community-based organisation that aims to prevent sexual abuse
Phone: (04) 566 4745
Website: www.wellstop.org.nz

Philippa McDowall (she/her)
Clinical Psychologist, PhD
Phone: 0204 109 8568
Email: philippa@weaverpsychology.co.nz
Website: www.weaverpsychology.co.nz

Rachel Hanover-O’Connor
Online counselling
Website: https://rachelhoc.wixsite.com/counselling

Manon van Esch: Kinds Therapy (Children’s Therapy) –

Website: http://www.kinds.co.nz/

Email: manon@kinds.co.nz

Miksha Jagwanth – Neurologica (Paediatric Occupational Therapy):

Phone: (022) 378 7765
Email: miksha@neurologica.co.nz
Website: neurologica.co.nz

Dr Ava Ruth Baker, Autism Spectrum Consultancy:  open to new clients for post-diagnosis therapy & advice
Email: avaruth.baker@xtra.co.nz
Website: www.avaruthbaker.com

Annie Kenning, paediatric occupational therapist
Karori Therapy
Phone: 021 158 0391
Email: karori.therapy@gmail.com
Website: www.karoritherapy.co.nz


08. For urgent situations or after hours

Lifeline: 0800 543 354 (available 24/7)
Suicide Crisis Helpline: 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO) (available 24/7)
Youthline: 0800 376 633 or free text 234
Kidsline: 0800 543 754 (available 24/7)
Whatsup: 0800 942 8787 (1pm to 11pm) counselling for 5-18 year olds
Depression helpline: 0800 111 757 (available 24/7)
Rainbow Youth: (09) 376 4155
Samaritans: 0800 726 666

If a child/young person’s safety is of serious concern, contact:
Child Youth and Family Service
Phone: 0508 FAMILY (0508 326 459)

If any persons’ emotional or mental state is seriously worrying contact:
Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT)
Phone: (04) 494 9169
The CATT team provides 24-hour, 7-day-per-week urgent assessment and treatment of mental health problems. In a crisis they will provide professional support and, where required, will link you to other mental health agencies.
Life Unlimited

Phone: (04) 569 3102

Register for Autism Connect

Autism Connect

Autism Connect Service.

Autism Connect App

The Autism Connect app is a video chat tool for connecting our community together. Created for autistic people and those who make up their support network – so that they can connect, share learnings and journey together.

For the safety of our Autism NZ users and online community, we require every user to be verified using photo identification. Our team may contact you via email and/or phone as part of the verification process, prior to issuing you a username and password to use the Autism Dashboard and requested services.

Maximum file size: 2MB

JPEG, JPG, PDF, PNG file types allowed. Max 2MB file size.

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy explains which information Autism NZ collects on www.autismnz.org.nz, what we do with it and your rights to correct or change it.

Personal information
We only collect personal information if you choose to give it to us. If you submit a registration form or make a financial donation you provide us with personal contact information so we can connect with you to make further arrangements. All information provided will be held in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020.

We do use common internet technologies such as cookies on our website, and collect non-personal information to track traffic on our sites to improve our services. This data does not include personal information and is not linked to any personal information you may provide through our website.

Use and disclosure
The personal information you provide to us will only be used for the purposes for which you supplied it, or, in exceptional situations, for other reasons permitted under the Privacy Act 2020.

No personal contact information will be supplied to any third party.

This privacy policy only relates to our site. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the practices of sites of other organisations and businesses we may link to on our site. Please check the privacy policies on external sites before providing personal information to them or any other third party.

Your right to access information
The New Zealand Privacy Act of 2020 gives you the right to access and correct, update or delete any personal information that we hold about you. Contact us with your request.

Hit 'register' below and one of our team will verify your details and be in contact once your service request is approved.