Community Links
01. Support Groups
Coffee Group
Phone: (06) 753 4207
Mum’s Night Out
Address: Crowded House
Phone: (06) 751 2287 or (027) 715 7751
02. Support Organisations
Access Ability
Address: Level 1, Kings Building, 36 Devon Street West, New Plymouth, 4310
Phone: 0800 758 700
Email: contact@accessability.org.nz
ASD Connex
Address: Park City Church, 94 Hurlstone Drive, Waiwhakaiho, 4312
Contact: Theresa Tongi
Phone: (021) 079 2599
Explore Specialist Advice
Phone: (0800) 000 421
Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service
Phone: (06) 759 2111
Email: karena@hdc.org.nz or Kelly.Davy@hdc.org.nz
Website: www.advocacy.org.nz
NZ Care Disability
Address: 214 Devon Street East, New Plymouth, 4310
Phone: (06) 278 0096 or (06) 278 3650
Website: www.healthcarenz.co.nz
Strengthening Families Barnardos
Address: 36 186A Tukapa Street, New Plymouth, 4310
Phone: (06) 968 8542 or (021) 279 5831
Email: ruth.dudley@barnardos.org.nz
Website: www.strengtheningfamilies.govt.nz
Taranaki Disability Information and Resource centre
Address: 28 Young Street, New Plymouth, 4310
Phone: (06) 759 0019
03. Therapy
Dan Goodkind – Psychologist/Counsellor
Address: 187 Powderham Street, New Plymouth, 4310
Phone: (027) 545 5885
Lyndal Henry – Occupational Therapist
Address: 32 Hine Street, Flat 4, New Plymouth, 4310
Phone: (027) 459 8062
Rachel Hanover-O’Connor
Online counselling
Website: https://rachelhoc.wixsite.com/counselling
Stratford Optometrist
Address: 65/67 Miranda Street, Stratford, 4332
Phone: (06) 765 7764
Website: www.stratfordoptometrists.co.nz
Sleep Insight – Specialist sleep support for autistic children and young people.
Telehealth appointments available.
Email: info@sleepinsight.co.nz
Website: Sleep Insight – Specialist sleep support for autistic children & young people