Haircut routine visual
Our resource theme for February is haircuts, so today we wanted to share a haircut routine visual!
Attached is a template that you can print out and customize yourself, including an example of what the routine could look like.
To download the routine visual as a PDF, click the download button below.
I need a break card
Our tips for getting a haircut included taking breaks as you need them. They suggested using an 'I need a break card'. To download an 'I need a break card', click the download button below.
A qualitative study of noise sensitivity in adults with autism spectrum disorder
Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may respond to environmental stimuli more intensely and less conventionally than typical peers. Research has generally focused on sensory sensitivity broadly, rather than individual modalities.
Symptom severity, caregiver stress and intervention helpfulness assessed using ratings from parents caring for a child with autism
This exploratory study assessed the relationships between autism spectrum disorder symptoms, caregiver stress and intervention helpfulness.
Documenting and Understanding Parent’s Intervention Choices for Their Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder
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Predictors of Satisfaction with Life in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
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Brief Report: Parent’s Assessments of Their Care-Related Stress and Child’s ASD Symptoms in Relation to Their child’s Intervention History
Parenting a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be stressful. Understanding parent’s perceptions of their stress and their child’s ASD-related symptoms is important for both the well-being of parent and child and for other reasons, such as inter
Coping and care-related stress in parents of a child with autism spectrum disorder
Parenting a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is challenging and can result in elevated levels of parenting stress. This study investigated the relationship between parent-ratings of their child’s ASD symptoms and two conceptually different measure
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