Hawkes Bay

Community Links

01. Adult Diagnosis

Heads Up Neuropsychology and Biofeedback:

Dr. Joni T. Howard – Clinical Psychologist

Ph: 027 24 111 24

Email: joni@headsupneuro.co.nz


New Zealand Telepsych Network (NZTN)
Email: help@telepsychnetwork.nz
Website: telepsychnetwork.nz
(Please note that DSS and NASC services currently do not accept telehealth diagnoses.)

Nova Mentem
Email: info@novamentem.com
Ph: 021 108 7539

Website: Nova Mentem – Mind Health Specialists

02. Child & Youth Diagnosis

Child Adolescent and Family Service (CAFS)
Address: 398 Omahu Road, Hastings, 4120

Phone: (06) 878 8109 ext 5851


Child Development service – can be assessed through your GP.

Claire Benton – Clinical/ASD Coordinator
Child Development Service
Email: Claire.Benton@hbdhb.govt.nz

Now Psychology: Dr Bernice Gabriel – Counselling Psychologist
Ph: 021 558 247 
Email: bernice@nowpsychology.co.nz
Website: www.nowpsychology.co.nz

Think Psychology: Erin Cotter
Educational Psychologist
Email: erinthinkpsychology@gmail.com
Website: www.thinkpsychology.co.nz 

Jackie Tritt – CubbieHouse
Email: jackie@cubbiehouse.co.nz
Website: www.cubbiehouse.co.nz

Nova Mentem
Email: info@novamentem.com
Ph: 021 108 7539

Website: Nova Mentem – Mind Health Specialists

03. Education

Autism New Zealand Education Programmes
Email: training@autismnz.org.nz

Disability support services EIT Hawkes Bay
Email: info@eit.ac.nz
Website: www.eit.ac.nz

Barbara West – Disability Liaison (at EIT)
Phone: (06) 830 1049

Work and Life skills at EIT
Phone: (06) 974 8000 ext. 5080

Elen Nathan – Occupational Therapist
Email: Elen.nathan.ot@gmail.com
Mobile: (021) 0206 1360

Te Kura ECE – Te Ara Kōhungahunga (State distance education provider):

Phone: 0800 65 99 88

Email: info@tekura.school.nz

Website: Home | Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu

04. Employment

Vocational programmes ranging from craft skills for weaving, felt making, woodwork, candle making, farming and gardening
Phone: (06) 870 0426
Website: www.hohepa.com

Address: Workbridge Hawkes Bay, Ground Floor, Price Water House Building, 36 Munroe Street, Napier, 4110
Phone: 06 974 5501 (DDI) or (021) 240 7488
Email: jamesb@workbridge.co.nz

Services for individuals and companies regarding autism/neurodiversity and workplace culture, unconscious bias, leadership/management and organisational charge

05. Social Groups

Lego Social Skills Group
Mobile: (021) 0206 1360
Email: Elen.nathan.ot@gmail.com
Website: theplayfulplace.co.nz

Sailabilty Hawkes Bay with Katy Kenah
Email: sailabilityhb@xtra.co.nz

Special Olympics Hawkes Bay
Contact: Margaret Baker
Mobile: (021) 421 249
Website: www.specialolmpics.org.nz

Taekwondo with Ben Evans in Hawkes Bay
Mobile: (027) 8573 045
Email: president@specialneedstaekwondo.nz
Website: www.specialneedstaekwondo.nz

06. Supported living & accomodation

Phone: 0800 436 382
Website: info@genevahealth.com

Idea Services
Phone: (06) 872 7881

Health Care NZ
Phone: (06) 834 4214
Email: napier.office@healthcarenz.co.nz
Website: www.healthcarenz.co.nz

Hohepa – residential, schooling and vocational
Phone: (06) 870 0426
Website: www.hohepahawkesbay.com

07. Support organisations

Bay Autism Support
Phone: 021 164 8406
Email: bayautismsupport@xtra.co.nz

CCS Disability Action
Phone: (06) 834 0499
Email: TBH@ccsdisabilityaction.org.nz
Website: www.ccsdiabilityaction.org.nz

Explore – Specialist advice including ASD services, support people with challenging behavior. 
Phone: (0800) 000 421
Email: explore@explore.org.nz
Website www.healthcarenz.co.nz

Phone: (06) 870 0426
Email: NASK.HB@hbdhb.govt.nz
Website: www.hohepahawkesbay.com

Parent to Parent NZ
Phone: (0508) 236 236
Email hawkesbay@parent2parent.org.nz
Website: www.parent2parent.org.nz

Social Circle – Action for Autism Tāuhapai Takiwātanga Trust
Mobile: (027) 274 5390
Email: action4autism@outlook.co.nz

Specialist Education services Learning support – work with young people with special educational and developmental needs
Phone: (06) 833 67 30

Talk Link – Assistive Technology Service
Phone: (0800) 825 554
Website: www.talklink.org.nz

08. Therapy

Rachel Hanover-O’Connor
Website: https://rachelhoc.wixsite.com/counselling

Mosaics – provides a community based vocational service for adults with disabilities
Phone: (06) 844 4636

Raukatauri Music Therapy Centre
Phone: (06) 8703990
Email: willdarbyshire@rmtc.org.nz
Website: http://www.rmtc.org.nz

Riding for the Disabled 
Phone: (06) 8340556
Email: napierrda@gmail.com
Website: www.napierrda.co.nz

Sleep Insight – Specialist sleep support for autistic children and young people.
Telehealth appointments available.
Email: info@sleepinsight.co.nz
Website: Sleep Insight – Specialist sleep support for autistic children & young people

SPELD (Specific learning difficulties) – offers one on one diagnostic assessment and specialized tuition for people with specific learning disabilities, including dyslexia. It offers information, support, advice and training.
Phone: (0800) 773 536
Email: central@speld.org.nz
Website: www.speld.org.nz

Stable Hearts Hawkes Bay
Phone: (027) 576 8082
Website: www.stablehearts.co.nz

The Playful Place – Elen Nathan Occupational Therapist, specialising in the play based therapy using sensory modulation approach
Phone: (021) 0206 1360
Email: elen.nathan.ot@gmail.com
Website: www.theplayfulplace.co.nz

Your Own Yoga – Sensory Yoga
Ph: 020 4011 3830
Email: paula@yoyoganz.com
Facebook: facebook.com/yourownyoganz/

09. Respite

Phone: 0800 436 382
Website: info@genevahealth.com

Healthcare NZ
Phone: (06) 834 4214
Email:  napier.office@healthcarenz.co.nz
Website: www.healthcarenz.co.nz

Anna Renall – Manawhanui and CCS Disability Action 
Email: annarenall1111@gmail.com

10. Holiday Programmes

Parent to parent NZ – support and information for parents of children with special needs
Email: hawkesbay@parenttoparent.org.nz

Stable Hearts Hawkes Bay
Mobile: (027) 576 8082

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