Community Links
01. Adult Diagnosis
Ray Powell – will travel to Wairarapa by arrangement
Email: ray@powellpsychology.nz
Phone: (04) 478 7005 or 022 413 6577
Website: https://powellpsychology.nz/
Dr Marilyn Willis
Email: Marilyn.willis@aspergers.consulting
Website: www.aspergers.consulting
Also available for online referrals
New Zealand Telepsych Network (NZTN)
Email: help@telepsychnetwork.nz
Website: telepsychnetwork.nz
(Please note that DSS and NASC services currently do not accept telehealth diagnoses.)
02. Child & Youth Diagnosis
Email: m.dewar@xtra.co.nz
Phone: 027 563 0182
Website: www.nzccp.co.nz/psychologist/1022
Ray Powell – will travel to Wairarapa by arrangement
Email: ray@powellpsychology.nz
Phone: (04) 478 7005 or 022 413 6577
Website: https://powellpsychology.nz/
Victoria University – psychology clinic carries out cognitive assessments and some interventions for a fee
Phone: (04) 463 6400
Email: psychclinic01@vuw.ac.nz
SPELD – can do an assessment to determine if your child has a specific learning disability such as dyslexia (written language) or dyscalculia (maths). They also provide follow-up intervention.
Website: www.speld.org.nz
ASD Coordinators DHB – the DHB’s ASD coordinators follow up with families who have a child that has a new diagnosis of ASD and/or can support families through the diagnostic process. Your local ASD Coordinator is Jasmine Gray.
Address: Wairarapa Hospital, Te Ore Ore Road, Lansdowne, Masterton, 5810
Phone: (0800) 900 001 or (06) 946 9813 Ext: 4085
Email: jasmine.gray@wairarapa.dhb.org.nz
Child Development Service – Wairarapa DHB
Phone: (06) 378 2134
Email: RES-CDS@wairarapa.dhb.org.nz
Dr Marilyn Willis
Email: Marilyn.willis@aspergers.consulting
Website: www.aspergers.consulting
Also available for online referrals nationwide
Jackie Tritt – CubbieHouse
Email: jackie@cubbiehouse.co.nz
Website: www.cubbiehouse.co.nz
03. Support Groups
Ausome kids – for ages 3 to 10 years.
Phone: (06) 370 4590
Upper Hutt Special needs Indoor Sports
Phone: (04) 976 7468 or (021) 065 9872.
Email: robynls@clear.net.nz
04. Support Organisations
Autism Intervention Trust – supports families to access behavioural interventions for their child as well as running a Wellington-based holiday programme and gym
Website: www.autisminterventiontrust.org.nz
CCS Disability Action
Phone: 0800 227 2255
Phone: (06) 378 2426 (Wairarapa)
Phone: (04) 567 891 (Lower Hutt)
Email: info@CCSDisabilityaction.org.nz
Citizens Advice Bureau
Website: www.cab.org.nz
Phone: (06) 377 0078 or 0800 367 222
Phone: (04) 568 8877
Email: cab.petone@xtra.co.nz
Upper Hutt
Phone: (04) 528 9040
Email: cab.upperhutt@clear.net.nz
Family Works
Phone: (04) 439 4900 (Wellington)
Phone: (04) 528 4164 (Hutt Valley)
Phone: (06) 308 8028 (Wairarapa)
IDEA Services
Phone: 0800 273 7587
King Street Art Works – a creative space for those who have used mental health services
Phone: (06) 378 9777
Website: www.kingstreetartworks.co.nz
Needs Assessment Service Coordination Agency (NASC)
Phone: (06) 946 9813
The IHC Library
Phone: 0800 442 442
Website: www.ihc.org.nz
The Open Home Foundation of NZ
Phone: (04) 566 3990 (Hutt Valley)
Phone: (06) 378 2195 (Wairarapa)
Parent to Parent
Phone: (04) 569 9398 (Wellington)
Email: wellington@parent2parent.org.nz
Positive Partnerships
Website: www.positivepartnerships.com.au
Skylight Counselling and Support Services
Phone: (04) 920 9967
Website: www.skylight.org.nz
Sleep Insight – Specialist sleep support for autistic children and young people.
Telehealth appointments available.
Email: info@sleepinsight.co.nz
Website: Sleep Insight – Specialist sleep support for autistic children & young people
Strengthening Families – will coordinate all the agencies you are involved with to work out how best to support your situation.
Website: www.strengtheningfamilies.govt.nz
Phone: (06) 377 3115 (Wairarapa)
Phone: (04) 566 9778 (Hutt Valley)
Supporting Families Wairarapa
Phone: (06) 3773081 (Wairarapa)
Website: www.sfwai.org
The Wellington City Mission
Phone: (04) 389 2033 (Wellington)
The Wellington Early Intervention Team (WEIT)
Phone: (04) 567 4082 (Wellington)
Website: www.weit.org.nz
The Educational Psychology Clinic
Phone: (04) 463 9772
Email: jeff.sigafoos@vuw.ac.nz